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VQS providing VRS with UK-Wide Inspection & Logistics Services

Rental Services (VRS) with inspection and logistical support.

VRS partners with some of the biggest and best independent rental operators in the UK and have supplied over 80,000 rental vehicles since 2005. Its core business ensures independent rental operations can remain efficient and competitive with vehicle supply.

Simon Jackson – VQS Managing Director said

“The supply of field based independent inspections has been in flux for a few months and the team at VQS are delighted to support VRS at a national level.  With over 900 potential VRS locations, the business thrives on supporting a clients individual complexities and in return provide a simple yet robust solution.”

Sharon Fray, VRS  Director of Fleet Operations & Administration added “Our rental partners expect a high quality and consistent approach with  de-fleeting inspection & collection processes. VQS have delivered this since the trial inception and feedback from our partners has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Lee Mabbutt – VQS Business Development Manager further added

“I’d like to thank Sharon and the Operations team for their support as we continue to develop our solution to match the bespoke needs of VRS.”

If your business is facing challenges with inspection and logistical support we would welcome a call or email to see if we could support you with a national, regional/, or local solution Please call Lee on 01332 814086 or e-mail lmabbutt@vqsltd.co.uk

A warm welcome awaits.

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